How to Keep Your Motorhome Cool When It’s Boiling Outside


How to Keep Your Motorhome Cool When It’s Boiling Outside

Every experienced motorhome owner who has enjoyed some amount of success living the carefree RV lifestyle will tell you that living a successful and enjoyable motorhome lifestyle does not depend on the amount of money you have but on the amount of knowledge in your grasp. This fact is from the realisation that the motorhome lifestyle is a simple way to live freely with little and manageable expenses (if done right).

Success in motorhome living is from the understanding that the lifestyle denotes enjoying the comfort of a standard building or home while constantly or occasionally on the move. With the such a lifestyle, residents can bring their home’s comfort anywhere. Experience has also shown that the best months to enjoy your vehicle out on the open road is during the summer months.

The summer months being the best months for motorhome living does not mean that there are no factors that can ruin the experience. The one factor with a high tendency to ruin the motorhome living experience enjoyed during the summer is the scorching heat of the summer’s sun. However, as earlier stated, knowledge is crucial in overcoming the summer’s heat and enjoying a beautiful RV lifestyle. This article will outline some tips for motorhome owners to help keep their beloved vehicle cool outside in the scorching summer sun.

Essential tips to keep your motorhome cool in the scorching heat

The following tips will guide any vehicle owner on keeping their motorhome cool when outside in the heat. These tips include:

  1. Parking in the shade: You need to take the first step in keeping your vehicle cool by parking in the shade. The shade protects your motorhome from being directly out in the sun. In cases with no shade nearby, you can track the sun’s path for an idea of where the sun will travel. This allows you to park so that your sun is not directly exposed to the sun’s intense UV heating rays, keeping the while cool in the process.
  2. Using AC and fans: The “and” depends on the electricity in your reach. AC is a viable option provided you have access to standard electrical outlets or decide to use the generator. Avoid powering the AC with the motorhome’s batteries as it drains and weakens them. Fans are the perfect alternative in cases where you do not have access to a standard electrical outlet, and the generator will be a disturbance to the neighbours. The beauty of fans is they consume less electricity; your RV’s batteries will do the job.
  3. Installing blackout curtains: These are also called block-out curtains. They are effective in insulating and preventing heat from entering a space. You can also take the initiative to cover the motorhome’s windows, especially the front and rear windshields with windshield covers.
  4. Install solar panels: You may argue that your vehicle already has Solar panels, then take the initiative to install more. Panels effectively reflect the UV heating rays from the motorhome’s roof while converting them to electricity. This tip is like “killing two birds with a stone,” you get to solve the problem of electricity and cooling together.


Nobody says you cannot enjoy the summer sun when living the motorhome lifestyle, but it is always preferable to come home to a vehicle that is pleasantly cool, after exposure to the temperate summer sun. And this article has outlined tips to help keep your vehicle cool when outside.

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