Have an Ant Problem in Your Motorhome? Here’s How to Get Rid of Them.
As a motorhome owner, all kinds of critters, from mice to spiders, will try to find their way into your mobile home and live as if they own it. Ants are a common pest that motorhome travellers commonly struggle with. Indeed, ants in your vehicle can be a huge nuisance.
It’s frustrating to have them running around; a colony of ants can damage your vehicle. And it’s unsanitary and unhygienic to have ants in your kitchen or living space. Ants can spread bacteria from their bodies to food or open wounds.
You might ask, is it possible to eliminate insects, given that they comprise most of the world’s population? Fortunately, you can try several natural solutions to get rid of these pesky little creatures, and keeping your motorhome clean is one of them. Here are seven more amazing home remedies to eliminate ants in your RV.
1) Baking Soda
Baking soda changes the acidity of the ant and causes them to explode and perish in the end. Mix one part baking soda and one part powdered sugar; the sugar lures the ants in so they ingest the baking soda. Place the mixture in areas where ants may be coming into your home.
2) Boric Acid
Boric acid is poisonous to ants when ingested. To use boric acid, mix 1/2 teaspoon of boric acid, 8 teaspoons of sugar, and just enough water to make a syrup. Saturate cotton balls with the syrup and place them where you usually see ants. The sugar attracts the ants, and they ingest it gleefully. They may even take some back to their nest, where the queen eats it. Eventually, the borax will poison their system and wipe out the whole colony in a couple of days. Keeping boric acid away from pets and children is vital as it can be hazardous.
3) Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a white powdery compound made of fossilised remains of marine phytoplankton. When sprinkled on an insect with an exoskeleton, such as ants, fleas, or bedbugs, it absorbs the oils in their skeletons, causing them to dry. Dust entry points, plants, and anthills with DE to eliminate them.
4) Essential Oils
When ants go out to find food, they leave a pheromone trail from the food to the nest, which other ants can smell with their antenna and follow the path. Certain botanical scents interfere with these scent trails. Below are some of the most effective oils:
- Peppermint Oil.
- Tea Tree Oil.
- Clove Oil.
- Lemon Eucalyptus Oil.
- Cinnamon leaf essential Oil.
5) Vinegar
Like essential oils, the smell of vinegar repels ants and masks their pheromone scent trails. Add equal amounts of water, vinegar, and a few drops of essential oil in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on baseboards and anywhere you have seen ants. Although this solution may not kill the ants, it will keep them away.
6) Dishwashing liquid
Dish soap works wonders to eliminate ants. It suffocates them and ruptures their cells, resulting in dehydration and death. Mix one teaspoon of liquid dish soap and baking soda in a water bowl and spray the mixture on areas where ants seem to enter from or gather.
7) Chalk
Chalk contains calcium carbonate, which helps in keeping ants away. Sprinkle some powdered chalk at entry points or draw a line around your motorhome, so these bugs don’t enter. Chalk’s granular texture messes up insects’ pheromone trails, preventing them from communicating with other ants.
There are numerous natural ant-removal solutions in your kitchen if you’re seeking an effective and affordable way to get rid of ants in your motorhome or house. Using the above mentioned measures, you can effectively kill ants at their source and prevent them from getting into your home, RV, or camper.
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