
Living in a Motorhome Full-Time in Australia

Living the motorhome lifestyle is a blissful experience, with one of the greatest traits being the freedom that it offers. This freedom lets you explore different locations at different times with the assurance of shelter and a form of transportation. However, when many are asked about the motorhome lifestyle, there is a common belief that it is a lifestyle for the rich and the retired. Well, you may be pleased to hear that this notion is not entirely accurate.

Of course, anyone can enjoy the motorhome lifestyle. All that is needed to do so is knowing the demands and drafting a strategy to satisfy and meet these demands. Such a strategy can be described as the motorhome lifestyle support strategy. Understanding these demands and knowing how to control them, will help to dispel the stereotypical view that living in a motorhome on a full-time basis is reserved only for cashed-up retirees.

This article highlights the demands and responsibilities that a full-time motorhome lifestyle in Australia entails and suggests way to ensure that you too can experience the dream of living on the road all year round.

Basic Full-time Motorhome Lifestyle Demands

Specific factors contribute to the cost and experience of living a full-time motorhome lifestyle. These factors are:

  1. Food Expenses: the motorhome lifestyle is living life on the go. You therefore need to sort out all provisions for food.
  2. Health: when planning your strategy, consider the steps and expenses involved in staying healthy because sometimes you can be far away from a clinic.
  3. Entertainment: You may argue that the motorhome lifestyle itself is entertaining. However, it also helps to provide other activities you could use for entertainment.
  4. Fuel: while making sure that your own food and drink requirements are met, also make time to consider how you will keep your vehicle supplied with its food (fuel).
  5. Utilities: Motorhome utility systems operate differently from an ordinary home phone. They can be necessary or not, depending on your preference. Many travellers choose to instead rely on their mobile phone It’s important to ensure that if you do plan to visit remote locations, that suitable phone coverage is available. In such cases, buying a satellite phone may be a sensible solution.
  6. Fees: camping grounds come at a fee, unless you intend to park your motorhome in a remote area that attracts no fees (known as ‘boondocking’ in the US). However, doing this may hinder your camping experience (refer to phone coverage availability highlighted in step 5).
  7. Emergencies: The motorhome lifestyle is as exciting as it is unpredictable. Ensure that you have suitable first-aid provisions and that you know how to apply all manner of bandages and torniquets.

Full-time Motorhome Lifestyle Strategy

It has already been established that living the dream motorhome lifestyle brings freedom and excitement. But to enjoy this freedom, a well-defined plan is needed. This helps support your full-time motorhome lifestyle.

  1. Your reason for living in a motorhome full-time: knowing your reasons for living in a motorhome is vital to helping you support the lifestyle. Strive to define your intentions properly.
  2. Plan: any decision without proper planning is destined to fail. When choosing the motorhome lifestyle, take the time to study and plan for it. Some of the criteria for planning include:
    1. Budget: this defines how you spend and save in your new lifestyle. When planning your budget, understand that the rules for planning a full-time motorhome lifestyle budget differ from that of a normal lifestyle. Try to cover the basic demands.
    2. Cash flow: to aid your budget planning is your cash flow which is the amount of money that comes in to determine the amount that goes out. It is essential to estimate how much you intend to spend and how much you intend to save.
    3. Source of income: you are constantly changing location, so the nature of your job must not affect your ability to earn. Thanks to technology and ready-available access to the internet, there are various work opportunities available that can support your motorhome lifestyle. Be sure to review them and apply for a suitable job.


Living a full-time motorhome lifestyle in Australia can be done by anyone. All it takes is knowing how to support the lifestyle, and this article has highlighted everything you need to help you cope the responsibilities and demands of living on the road.

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