How to Effectively Eradicate Bedbugs from Your Motorhome


How to Effectively Eradicate Bedbugs from Your Motorhome

Living in a motorhome is an exciting experience because the smallest things can bring the biggest impacts. The everyday story of the nomadic lifestyle is that it offers freedom, peace, and the chance to explore new places when camping. Still, it is essential to understand that motorhomes can be likened to a mini-home on wheels; any factor influencing the building’s living experience can also influence the camper’s living experience.

For example, it is no secret that pests like cockroaches and rodents can also inhabit motorhomes and become a nuisance if the vehicle is unkempt. This understanding leaves one wondering, “can bedbugs live in motorhomes?” The simple answer will be yes, and unlike other pests like cockroaches and rodents, the space does not necessarily need to be unkempt before bedbugs can inhabit them. This article will highlight how bedbugs can get into campers, how to rid your space of bedbugs, and more.

How Do Bedbugs Get in Motorhomes?

The primary way bedbugs get in motorhomes is through hitchhiking (latching onto a host to bring them in). It takes one bedbug to make a colony that becomes a nuisance in space; it is essential to be watchful. Some of the ways bedbugs hitchhike their way into motorhomes are:

  • Bringing used furniture into the home.
  • By transporting them in your belongings from hotels or other spaces.
  • In camping sites, from neighbouring vehicles through crevices and cracks.

Signs of bedbugs in a motorhome

The thing with pests like bedbugs is that when in a space, it is tough to expel them from that space. However, discovering them gives you an edge in expelling them. Some signs indicate the presence of bedbugs in a space. They include:

  • Looking for hiding places: Bedbugs are oval-shaped with a reddish-brown to a black colour and are known to hide in dark places during the day. If you suspect an infections of bedbugs in your vehicle, take the time to search every place that can serve as a hiding spot, like cracks, crevices, cluttered spaces, and more.
  • Bedbug bites: These bites confirm an infestation in your home and should motivate you to look for them. These bites are red, tiny, raised, and appear in clusters or a straight line; take note of this sign.
  • Black dots around the home: If there is an infestation in your home, you will notice spots on bedsheets, walls, furniture, and more places that can serve as hiding spots, as discussed earlier.

Getting Rid of Bedbugs

The most-effective method of expelling bedbugs from a space involves using heat. However, here are some tips for expelling bedbugs from your motorhome:

  1. Engage in thoroughly cleaning your vehicle, reduce clutters, and be vigilant for signs of infestations.
  2. Use bedbug repellents in your camper. These repellents are in varieties; you have options to choose from.
  3. There are constructive methods to trap bedbugs; use some when you notice signs.
  4. Employ an exterminator to do the cleansing for you.


It will be a lie to believe that one can still enjoy the comfort the motorhome brings when sharing the space with bedbugs; it is essential to keep them out or get rid of them if the idea is to enjoy every feel of the RV lifestyle.

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